How to be the perfect TV or radio guest!

Imagine you have followed my advice on all of the ways to prepare for a media interview and you are on your way to do it.

What now?

Here are all of the things to remember once you get there that will make you the perfect TV or radio guest.

And how to boost your chances of getting invited back! And maybe getting to be considered their resident expert in your subject area.

The Green Room

If it is a broadcast interview then before you go on air you will spend your time in the green room. Take this time to review your notes. Also check with the producers they have the correct spelling of your name and of your business – it’s surprising how often they can get this wrong.

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Be Confident

Appear confident even if you are a nervous wreck inside. No one is going to believe in what you are saying if you don't believe it yourself.

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Take a deep breath before you speak.

Your breathing and speaking rate should be steady and calm so you have time to think about what you are saying. This will help to avoid those awkward "ums" and "ahs".

And make sure you wear something that is comfortable and smart. This isn’t the time for something too tight or something you haven’t worn before. That will only make you fidget or look nervous, which will make you look untrustworthy on TV or run the risk of you making unnecessary noise on radio.

Be Natural

Don’t just read directly from your notes as it will sound boring and monotone. Instead try and be more fluid with your responses by responding conversationally.

Be aware of the messaging your body language is submitting and smile!

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Your voice may be calm but your body language may give you away. Try not to cross your arms. Try to look relaxed at all times. A tightened face or rigid body says more than words.

Be Friendly and Remember Names

Find out the names of everyone who will be there and if it’s broadcast make sure you remember the presenters’ names.

Before you go on air take the time to say hello to the presenters and to thank them afterwards when off-camera. The presenters play a big part in deciding which guests come back. That’s not to say you shouldn’t also be friendly to everyone else as it’s often the producers and researchers that will book you and if they move on they will remember you.

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If you are asked something you don’t want to answer

I will cover this is more detail next week in my next blog but you can always buy yourself more time by starting your answer with a calming “Well,” “It’s interesting you have mentioned that….” or a “That is a good point…”

 It’s key not to come across as being combative or aggressive. You want to get the listener/viewer on your side and interested so stay calm.

Make sure you are on time

Schedule in plenty of time. It can take up to half an hour in makeup and hair, so get to the studio earlier than you need to.

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Try to relax so you can get accustomed to the environment and go through your points. Make sure you have a glass of water to hand, as you will need it when your mouth gets dry.

So now you know how to be the perfect TV or radio guest!

If you secure a media slot and want advice drop me an email - I’m always happy to help.

If you want a copy of my book 100 PR and Content Ideas for your Business click here.

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Alison Jackson-Carter is a ‘PR Pro’ who has spent her career helping people and businesses share stories. As a journalist she spent her 20s working for newspapers, ITV’s This Morning programme, Sky News and 5 News. She then moved into PR where she has worked with hundreds of household brands to increase their media profile. 

Since she moved to PR she has led teams that have won awards, launched a successful podcast that has been downloaded more than 100,000 times, and achieved millions of pounds worth of media coverage for brands.

Her passion for supporting women in business led her to launch Enlighten PR where she helps small business owners and entrepreneurs raise their profile and communicate with confidence about their business. In her downtime she can be found listening to The Archers or trying to read while her children and dog climb all over her.