3 Things to Start Doing TODAY to Secure Your Business Media Coverage

You can’t afford a PR agency but you want to get a slice of that lovely PR pie you see other businesses getting. How are they getting these opportunities? What are they doing that you aren’t?

I will tell you now - they are doing these three things!

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  1. They are reading and consuming the same media that their customers are.

If you want to be on This Morning because you know your customers watch This Morning then YOU need to watch This Morning. If your customers are reading The Times then your need to read The Times. If they read Vogue, Grazia or Women’s Own you need to read them!

There is a lot of data out there about who reads and watches and listens to different media outlets. Look at it and do what your audience does.

Once you start consuming the same media they do you will have a better understanding of what you need to do to get featured in that media. You will start understanding what types of stories they cover and what interests their readers.

That will then make it a lot easier for you to pitch yourself to those media outlets. And will mean they take you seriously as you will be able to demonstrate that you watch/read/listen to their news programme.

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2. They know what they are an expert in, and they are telling people!

Everyone is an expert in something. You run a business doing something day in day out so you are an expert in it.

You don’t need to have an MA in it. You don’t need a wall of certificates. If you do something that you get paid for then presumable you are good at it. So often women tell me they worry they aren’t ‘enough’ of an expert in something. But all you need to do for most media stories in provide some expertise or insight that the average Joe on the street won’t have.

So work out what you are an expert in and then shout it from the rooftops.

But do make sure that your expertise isn’t too long and actually means something. You can be a female fat loss expert like Vicki PT. But don’t be a thoughtful and mindful gifting expert. No one know what that is.

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3. They aren’t limiting themselves to ONE story

Somewhere along the line people started to think they only had one story to tell. That their story was their truth and it was usually about how they set up their business.
But let me tell you that every business and every person has DOZENS of stories. Do not limit yourself to thinking the story of why you set up your business is your only story. You will have lots of interesting stories to tell. Stories about you, your business, your past, your customers, your products, our future, your insights, your data, LOADS!

If you are ever in doubt about how much you have to talk about then book in a 121 with me and I will pull out at least 10 story ideas you could use to get media interest.

Start looking at your business through a different lens and thinking about all the different parts of it you can talk about.

So these are my three things you can start doing TODAY. So stop reading this and get to work!

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