It's Not About You

Let’s get one thing straight. 

Your audience don’t care about how many awards you have won. They don’t care about how many offices you have. They don’t care about how many staff you have. 

Most don’t care about your CSR strategy or your gender pay gap. 

Now brace yourself - IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU.

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Do you want to know what they do care about? They care about what you can do for them. 

You need to talk about how you help your customers. All of the time. You need to be using your website and your social bios to talk about what your product or service does to make their life easier.

The problem that you solve and why you are relevant to them. 

It’s as simple as that.

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You need to talk about how you help your customers. The problem that you solve is what they are interested in. They are looking to understand if you are relevant to them. 

I run messaging and strategy workshops with businesses all the time where people seem genuinely surprised by this. Have a look at a few people’s website and see how many talk about themselves and how many talk about their customers.

Every piece of content you create - social media posts, newsletters, your website, your video, your adverts- should focus on how you can help your client.

I’m by no means saying you need to stop talking about your achievements as a business or your family or dog. 

Those things will make you likeable. 

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But your focus needs to be your customer. 


When I work with clients this is one of the first things I tell them and the thing I tell them over and over. 

Focus on how you help people. If you want to talk about a new member of your team then make the focus what they can do for your customer. 

If you want to talk about your new office then explain why having an increased presence or regional footprint will benefit your customers. 

When you get an opportunity to talk to a large audience - whether that’s your own, someone else’s or a that of a national newspaper or magazine - make sure you talk about the people that use your product or service. 

You want to make sure you are getting the right message across. 

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If you want a copy of my book 100 PR and Content Ideas for your Business click here -

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