
Exclusive! You’ve Got An Amazing Story But How Do You Maximise Value For Your Business?

Every journalist wants to be the first to cover a great story.

Securing an ‘exclusive’ is the best way to spike sales or views, so media organisations put a premium on this content. They can get very competitive to land one, and when then do, it gets more prominence and column inches than other stories.

So if you’ve got an ‘exclusive’, you’re sitting on valuable content. Make the most of this rare opportunity!

How to Create Content that Converts

Getting people’s attention is harder than ever with double and even triple screening and every brand out there vying for your likes and shares.

So it’s more important than ever that your social media posts, press statements and blog posts are written in a simple and short format to give your audience the best chance of understanding what you are trying to say.

Here are my top tips for you to remember when creating content to give you the best chance of being heard AND understood.

Top 5 Myths About PR

There seems to be much better understanding around what marketing is than there is around what PR is. Essentially PR stands for public relations. A large part of that for most brands is reputation management, brand building and publicity. But it also includes stakeholder relationships and crisis communications.

So to help you understand what PR is let’s start with what it isn’t and break down the top 5 myths about public relations!

Shhhh, whisper it, but what is PR?

There is no shame in not knowing what something is. The shame comes from not acknowledging it.

In my experience, unless you are in the industry, virtually no one knows what it is. It’s what the girls from The Hills wanted to do, right? What Olivia Pope does? What Patsy and Eddie do?