How to be a Better Public Speaker: The Golden Rules for Communicating to a Crowd

Public speaking. Do those two words bring on a cold sweat or do you relish the idea?

For most people, it's up there with getting root canal treatment as an unpleasant but sometimes necessary obligation.


As an entrepreneur and business leader, being able to hold a room and communicate confidently is a must-have skill. But is it something you spend enough time working on to improve?

These are a few golden rules, tips and tricks, which will help anyone - from novice to expert - be a better public speaker.

Being a better public speaker means you need to PRACTISE!

Everyday try to talk to a stranger, leave voicemails or voice notes. FaceTime people, jump at opportunities to present or speak in front of an audience.

Nerves are the biggest barriers stopping you being a better public speaker. Removing the novelty of speaking publicly will build your confidence, give you more chances to refine your skills and try out new techniques. Think of it like a muscle - use it or lose it.

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To be an effective public speaker you need to really KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE

Find out some information about who you’re speaking to. Bear in mind their experience, knowledge, even attention span and audience size. Spend time tailoring your messages or delivery to reflect your audience.

Are you talking to a room of executives or on a stage in front of a crowd of potential clients? What depth of detail will they want? Will they respond positively to interactive content? Will visual material get their attention?

No two audiences will ever be the same.

A great tip to make you a better public speaker is to think about YOUR BODY LANGUAGE

Public speaking is a performance art. Try not to rely on a script. Be free to be more expressive, interact with your audience and give an engaging speech.

Use hand gestures, feel free to move around a little, but try to avoid signs you’re nervous such as wringing your hands or touching your face.

Another trick is to add EMPHASIS

Use metaphors and analogies - especially if you’re covering something complex or important. This will bring your point to life. A rhetorical question, or asking the audience questions, will make your delivery more engaging.

Another trick is the rule of three. There are plenty of famous examples of this in speeches - Tony Blair’s ‘Education, Education, Education’ speech, ‘blood, sweat and tears’, General Patton, the list goes one. For some reason triplets stick in our minds.

It’s important to note that what looks good on paper can sound wooden when said out loud. There’s a different rhythm and cadence to the spoken word. If you’re going to rely on any written prompts, make sure you test them aloud first.

And think visually. Many of us are visual learners. Words can go in one ear, out the other, but a relevant image, slides or prop will make that idea stick in the mind.

And to really level up your speaking skills add in some PAUSES

Remember to pause after a key point for added emphasis. It has the added bonus of giving your audience more time to wrap their head around it.

Everyone absorbs information differently - make sure you’re not leaving anyone behind by rattling through your subject like you’re an auctioneer flogging an antique sideboard.

Working on your public speaking skills is a great investment in you. Unlocking your full communication potential will prove invaluable - whether you’re delivering a pitch to a group of investors or one on one with a client.

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