Three things that will bring more energy to your Facebook lives

If you’re not incorporating Facebook Lives into your marketing plan, you’re missing massive opportunity to connect with your audience and grow your business.

Live streams get three times more engagement than typical non-live videos and five times more views than images, according to AdWeek.

But if you don’t bring energy to your presentation, it’s likely to be big turn off. So here are three things you can do right now to give you Lives a boost of energy.

Be interactive - it’s live after all!

Ask questions, put people on the spot, ask if anyone else knows the answer. This builds engagement, keeps people alert and feeling involved in the process.

If you can bounce off your viewers - pick up on points, answer questions, draw in contributions and insight - your presentation will be original and unique. Even if you’re discussing the same thing, your content will always be different and fresh because it will reflect your audience.

After all, that’s the purpose of a live! If you’re not interacting, it might as well be pre-recorded lecture.

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Stand up - communicate with body language:

You’ll be amazed how much of a difference this can make. Stand up, use your hands, be relaxed. The majority of communication is none verbal. That rule also applies when you’re on camera.

Make sure you’re paying attention to being expressive. Sitting rigidly in front of your screen is a sure fire way to drain energy from your presenting.

Standing also has physical benefits, freeing up you diaphragm and making it easier to breathe. You’ll find it easier to project your voice and speak with energy.

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Prepare - be ready to go from the start!

Like any public speaking event, it pays to prepare. But if you want to bring energy to an online live presentation, you’ll need to add a few more things to the mix.

Go for a quick walk, get some fresh air, get away from the screen before hand. If you turn up invigorated, excited and enthusiastic, that will come over to your audience. If you’ve been stuck at your desk for hours, they’ll be able to tell.

Know your key messages and come up with great examples to illustrate them. Brief real-world examples and stories will make your live more relatable an engaging. There’s nothing like a stiff scripted speech to take the energy out of a room.

Assume some viewers will have the attention span of a gold fish. Start strong and give them a reason to hang around.

If you want a copy of my FREE mini eBook ‘7 Secrets to Smashing your Social Media Lives’ click here. And don’t forget to join my Facebook group by clicking here.