public speaking

How to Manage your Nerves when Presenting

No matter how experienced you are at presenting to an audience, everyone gets nerves. Those butterflies in your stomach are a good thing, they keep you sharp, alert and ready. But controlling and harnessing those emotions takes a little work.

With the following tips, even the most reluctant performer can keep anxiety at bay and deliver a brilliant presentation.

How to be a Better Public Speaker: The Golden Rules for Communicating to a Crowd

Public speaking. Do those two words bring on a cold sweat or do you relish the idea?

For most people, it's up there with getting root canal treatment as an unpleasant but sometimes necessary obligation.

Three things that will bring more energy to your Facebook lives

If you’re not incorporating Facebook Lives into your marketing plan, you’re missing massive opportunity to connect with your audience and grow your business.

Live streams get three times more engagement than typical non-live videos and five times more views than images, according to AdWeek.

But if you don’t bring energy to your presentation, it’s likely to be big turn off. So here are three things you can do right now to give you Lives a boost of energy.

How to Handle Difficult Questions from the Press

We have all seen car crash interviews where someone has refused to answer the question.

If you want a reminder of some of the best ones (worst ones?) then click here, grab your popcorn and wait until you start hiding behind it.

Five Books that will help you Grow your Brand

Ok, so none of these books are what you might expect a PR consultant to recommend as none of them are about PR agencies. Only one of them is specifically about media/PR/sales. But that’s because to be good at public relations and brand building you need to understand business and you need to understand people.

So each of these books helped me do one or both of those. If you don’t like reading books try audiobooks or ebooks. But for me there is nothing better than curling up with a cup of Bailey’s spiked coffee and a book!