My Journey

What Into the Unknown - Making Frozen 2 can Teach us About Leadership Skills

When I started watching this six hour documentary I certainly didn’t expect a ‘making of’ to make six hours of great TV. I also didn’t expect it to blow my mind.

I can honestly say that I kept talking about it to everyone I met for weeks afterwards. School gates, Tesco checkout, conference calls, I managed to talk about this to everyone.

If you haven’t already seen it the basic premise is that they have a deadline for when they will premier Frozen 2 for the first time – 12 months away – and they don’t know how the movie should end. They have a few ideas but they don’t know.

My first reaction to this was slight bemusement. How could you start making a movie if you didn’t know the ending?

How to speak to Journalists

Any public relations consultant will tell you that the thing that scares business owners the most is a call from a journalist.

As a PR consultant I have learnt that the prospect of spending time with a journalist will either fill you and your c-suite with excitement at the idea of some great brand building media coverage Or it will feel them with sheer terror!

Normally any concerns will go away if you work with your public relations team or PR agency to focus on three key things.

Five Books that will help you Grow your Brand

Ok, so none of these books are what you might expect a PR consultant to recommend as none of them are about PR agencies. Only one of them is specifically about media/PR/sales. But that’s because to be good at public relations and brand building you need to understand business and you need to understand people.

So each of these books helped me do one or both of those. If you don’t like reading books try audiobooks or ebooks. But for me there is nothing better than curling up with a cup of Bailey’s spiked coffee and a book!